Qassit is a game for smartphones and tablets and can be downloaded for iOS through the App Store or for Google Play.
Prerequisites for access to the service
To use the game, you must have access to a smartphone or tablet that uses the Apple or Android operating system.
Data collection in connection with the use of apps
The Qassit game does not collect personal and identifiable information from users of the app. The data collected in the app is solely used to compile statistics on the use of the game. This applies, for example, to information about the type of device and your operating system.
Inquiries and questions can be directed to
Serious Games Interactive
Ryesgade 106A
Copenhagen Ø
+45 3332 3600
Imaneq 33
3900 Nuuk
Phone: +299 701234
Qassit pinnguaataavoq smartphoneni tabletinilu atorneqarsinnaasoq, kiisalu App Store-kkut iOS-imut imaluunniit Google Play-ikkut aaneqarsinnaalluni.
Kiffartuussinermik atuisinnaanissamut piumasaqaatit
Pinnguaat atorniarukku, smartphonemik imaluunniit tabletimik, apple-mik imaluunniit android-imik aqunneqartumik atugaqarsinnaassaatit.
App-inik atuinermut atatillugu paasissutissanik katersisarneq
Pinnguaat Qassit app-imik atuisunit inummut aamma kinaassusersiisinnaasunik paasissutissanik katersineq ajorpoq. App-imi paasissutissat katersorneqartut, pinnguaammik atuinerup kisitsisinik paasissutissaqarnissaanut taamaallaat atorneqartarput. Tamanna assersuutigalugu, atortorissaarutip qanoq ittuunera kiisalu aqutsissutip qanoq ittuunera pillugu paasissutissanut atuuppoq.
Saaffiginnissutit apeqqutissallu uunga nassiunneqarsinnaapput
Serious Games Interactive
Ryesgade 106A
Copenhagen Ø
+45 3332 3600
Imaneq 33
3900 Nuuk
Oqarasuaat: +299 701234